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Picture of a hand holding up a phone running Soundscape Community with panels illustrating what is being called out. In the background there are people in a park.


Explore, discover, and have fun with your own 3D sound map of the world!

Meet the Soundscape Consortium

Vision Ireland LogoInclusion and Accessibility Labs LogoRensselaer Polytechnic Institute LogoSimplicity Tech Solutions LogoN-Vibe LogoCapital Region Nordic Alliance LogoPixelspace LogoOkeenea Logo

What is Soundscape

Image of Soundscape Community running on an iphone displaying a location screen with a map and task options

Spatial Audio Technology

Soundscape uses 3D or spatial audio technology to enable people to build a richer awareness of their surroundings, thus becoming more confident and empowered to get around.

Image of Soundscape Community running on an iphone displaying the select a location user interface

Intuitive way to works

Hence, Soundscape makes familiar places richer with the information it provides; and it makes unfamiliar places become familiar because of the intuitive way it works.

Image of a woman wearing shades and headphones walking down a busy street using Soundscape Community. With supplemental white speakers surrounding her head to show the spatial audio from the application

Intro to Consortium

Following Microsoft’s decision to close down Soundscape, we are delighted to announce that a group of organizations and people, including the co-founders of Soundscape, have come together to not only make it available to existing users, but eventually make it available for everyone!

Learn More

How Soundscape works

Soundscape provides information about your surroundings with synthesized binaural audio, creating the effect of 3D sound. It runs in the background in conjunction with navigation or other applications to provide you with additional context about the environment.

Your phone, in hand or in pocket, is used to track movement using location and activity sensors, and lets you move toward a self-set audio beacon.

Illustration of a phone, headphones, and soundwaves

Getting started with Soundscape

After you install Soundscape, connect a stereo headset or earbuds. Follow the introductions and when prompted, allow the app to access your location. Then, explore a familiar route to get used to how Soundscape delivers spatial information.

Illustration of a phone screen with logo and tiles

Device compatibility

Soundscape is an application designed to operate on iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, and newer models. It is engineered to be compatible with both wired and Bluetooth stereo headsets, providing users with a seamless audio experience.

Line illustration of an irregular path with soundwaves at various points

Explore, discover, and have fun!

You can use Soundscape in a number of different ways, whether on a well-known route, out about with a friend or using it to discover new places.​

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Soundscape Community is not designed, intended or made available for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases and for use as a mobility aid or medical device; and is not designed or intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or judgement and should not be used to replace or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or judgement. The mapping data incorporated into the Soundscape Community program is captured from a third-party program, and therefore, there may be limitations with the accuracy of the information presented and the user is responsible for their actions and their own safety and well-being.