Soundscape Community Logo (Go to Home Page)
picture of hand holding up a phone with the Soundscape app open with panels illustrating what is being said by the application. In the background is a city street with people walking and buildings.


Microsoft's Soundscape closure has led to a collaborative effort between various organizations and co-founders to not only maintain accessibility for existing users but eventually expand its availability to all.

The different partners who are involved, have been involved in working with and supporting Soundscape for a number of years and each one has a strong interest and motivation in not only maintaining Soundscape, but to invest in it’s growth and development.

Image of a woman wearing shades and headphones walking down a busy street using Soundscape Community. With supplemental white speakers surrounding her head to show the spatial audio from the application
Image looking at the back of a man in a gray wool jacket with headphones on his head. As he is walking down a busy street using the Soundscape Community App.

Our goal: Provide continuity of service

The goal of the consortium is to provide continuity of service for existing users and allow them to use Soundscape as they currently do. After this, we will be releasing in additional countries in Europe and South America in our mission to make it available to more people.

Everyone in the consortium is giving their time and expertise free of charge; however, in order to support Soundscape, we need funds to pay the costs to keep it running. We would be very grateful if you are willing and able to donate towards this. Please use the donate button below to express your support for Soundscape.
